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Frequently asked questions regarding Domain

What is a domain name?

Domain is the name of your website for example www.my-website.com

Do I need a domain?

Yes, if you don’t have a domain, then you will need one. We can help you with this process for FREE.

Can you help me find a good domain for my new website?

Yes, sure. We often help our clients buy domains and do domain research.

What is the price for a domain?

The price for a domain is all depending on the extension (.com, .net, .biz, .no)
Price examples:
.com, .org, .net cost 10,5 Euros annually
.biz, .info cost 14 Euros annually
The prices above are calculated in USD from Registryrocket. View more prices. Registryrocket is not the cheapest but a safe place to buy without any hidden fees.
Note: Many domain registras which sell domains have hidden fees.

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